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Start Your Email List
Workshop Series

A 2 workshop series where we will start your email list and create an awesome freebie to grow your list 

Workshop 1 will be about creating your freebie

Workshop 2 will be about setting it up so it gets sent and adds people to your list automatically

An email list is one of the most important things you can have for your business.


Don't get me wrong, I love social media and still think it's the best way to find your people!  But you also need a way to communicate with them outside of social media.


  • The algorithms can be frustrating.  Such a small percentage of people see what you post, and sometimes they won't see it until days later.  For a regular post, that might not be a big deal.  But what if you have a flash sale and people don't even see it until after it's over?


  • Speaking of sales, using words like sale, BOGO, 50% off, free shipping, etc can get your post flagged by the algorithm and make it so even less people than usual see it.  


  • While it doesn't happen often, it is possible to have your account hacked and lose it forever.  I know multiple people this has happened to who lost everything and had to start over. 


  • People come and go from platforms.  If you only do business on Facebook and your best customer decides they want to take a break from Facebook, you might not have another way to communicate with them.


  • Social media platforms can also be glitchy and sometimes go down and it's out of your control.  Which again, is not a big deal in the long game of growing your business, but what if Facebook goes down when you are in the middle of a big launch, challenge, sale, etc and you have no way to communicate with your people?


  • And there's also the dreaded "Facebook Jail" which is a fun term for when your account gets flagged and you get temporarily blocked from taking a certain action.  So for example, let's say you are having a big sale and you want to message all your customers about it.  If you have a lot of customers and send 100+ messages in a row that all basically say the same thing, you might end up in "Jail" and won't be able to send any messages at all for multiple days or even up to a week.  Talk about stressful when you are in the middle of a sale!



I want to reiterate that I am not trying to scare you away from using social media!  All of these things are worth it for the incredible opportunity it gives us to grow a business and audience for free!  But this is why you need an email list alongside social media; all these problems can be solved by having an email list!



I remember how overwhelmed I was when I first started my email list. I didn't know what service to use, how to set things up, or how to get people to join my list.  And the tutorial videos felt like they were speaking a different language and overwhelmed me even more.  So let's do this together!

The easiest way to grow your email list is by creating a Lead Magnet.  A Lead Magnet is something free you create that your people will want.  You create a sign up page and then they enter their email and the Lead Magnet is automatically sent to them and they are automatically added to your list!  It sounds intimidating, but once you have it set up, it works over and over again without you having to do anything!


We will get on Zoom as a group and I will walk you through all of these steps.  You will be able to ask questions as we go and I'll be able to help you brainstorm, decide on your perfect Lead Magnet, and get it set up in MailerLite.


By the time we are done, you will have your Lead Magnet created, the opt in page created to send people who want to sign up for it, the automations in place so they get the lead magnet and get added to your list without you having to do anything, and your list ready to start sending emails!


Then, when you have an announcement, all you have to do is type a quick email and click send!

So that you don't get overwhelmed and to give you time to create your Lead Magnet, I will be splitting this into two different workshops!  

You can sign up for either one on it's own or bundle both together and save $17!

Workshop 1: Creating your Lead Magnet


This workshop will take place on Thursday July 20th at 7pm eastern on Zoom (with replay available) and will be all about creating your Lead Magnet.  We will talk about what makes a good Lead Magnet and then each person will be able to brainstorm with me and the group and come up with your perfect idea

Workshop 2: Setting up your Email List with MailerLite


This workshop will take place on Thursday July 27th at 7pm eastern on Zoom (with replay available) and will be all about setting up your email list using MailerLite which is a great email service provider and is free until you have over 1,000 subscribers!  We will take the Lead Magnet you have created and get it all set up with the sign up page and automations in place 

Workshop Bundle


If you need both workshops, choose this option to only have to check out once and save $17!

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