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Get Your Face In Your Feed
21 Day Challenge 


21 days of post AND photo prompts designed to start building connections without having to spend a ton of time in Messenger

Get more comfortable posting about you!  You just might discover your value and realize people do care what you have to say when you do it the right way!

Set yourself up to have a lot more people ready to buy from you just in time for the slow summer to come to and end.  Ready to have a great fall?

Do you ever check your phone in the morning and find ideas you wrote down the night before when you were half asleep and completely forgot about?  Or is that just me?  


A few weeks ago I woke up and found one of those late night ideas in my notes app.


All it said was “get your face in your feed challenge” 


I wasn't totally sure what I meant by it but I thought it was interesting.  I had other things going on, though, and forgot about it until recently when it popped back into my mind and wouldn't leave.  


You, posting personal things and a picture of yourself every day for 21 days.


Did you just die a little inside?  I know, I know!  Posting about yourself is hard and awkward.  It’s weird to take pictures of yourself.  You are boring and no one would even care. Trust me, I’ve heard it all and thought it all myself!


But the truth is people have to know, like, and trust you before they are open to learning about your business.  And people on social media only know what you tell them.  So if you want them to know you, you have to post about you!  


My business really started to change when I stopped worrying so much about if people would like me and just decided to be me and let some of my weird and awkward out.  

What you can expect


The challenge will start Monday August 21st and will take place in a private Facebook group.  Before the challenge starts you will be given the full list of 21 photos you need to take so that you can get ready once and do a big photo shoot.  Or you can of course do a few different photo days or take them daily if you prefer.


You will be given a daily prompt to write a post about.  The prompt will go up the night before to make sure you have enough time to write your post


I will be doing a bonus training before the challenge starts to teach you about what makes a good post and tips to get the best results with the prompts


And I will also be doing a bonus content review session where I will go live and pick some of your posts and give honest feedback so that you can understand what is working and what isn't


You get one grace day where it is ok to miss a day and still complete the challenge!  So you will have 22 days to do 21 posts because life happens


Everyone who completes all 21 posts on time will be entered to win prizes and you will also receive a discount on a challenge I will be doing right after this one called Get You Products In Your Feed which will be the same idea but focused on teaching you to sell effectively and make sales now that you have all these new connections!

Are you ready to take on the challenge and get your face in your feed?
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